About Us

About Us

We Are Green for the world Company In The World

A domestic company active in the fields of Forestry, nursery and Horticultural. Which produces products made from premium quality HDPE plastic. Not only about quality, efficiency of use (easy moving), beauty (good looking) and customer safety in using our products are also our priorities.

PT. Visio Planter Bag Indonesia has the vision of “Green for the world” and has been active in the world of Forestry, nursery and Horticultural for a period of -/+ 10 years in collaboration with an Australian company which has had a track record that has been recognized worldwide for approximately 30 years. We are committed to always offering products that are innovative and environmentally friendly.

With the advantage of woven fabric (HDPE) which contains UV additives.

We have a fairly wide distribution coverage

Europe and America

With sub-zero degree climate in winter, such as England, Spain etc.

Middle East

With the driest and hottest conditions they have, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Doha, Mauritius etc

Australia and New Zealand

With the dry and extreme desert climate they have, such as in the states of Sydney, Melbourne, Fremantle and New Zealand. Our products are able to survive in fairly good conditions.

Our Vision and Mision

Vision : Making PT. VISIO ECO PLANTING as a Leading and Trusted Manufacturer in the International Market.

Mission : Developing products that are environmentally friendly, as well as providing the best benefits for stakeholders by means

  1. Producing products that suit the needs and requirements desired by customers.
  2. Continuously improve the best service for customer satisfaction.
  3. Carry out continuous development to improve employees’ abilities to achieve extraordinary achievements.
  4. Everyone is involved, contributes and adds value to the company’s progress
  5. Create a safe, healthy and fair working atmosphere in an atmosphere of mutual respect to create harmonious relationships.

Values. PT Visio Eco Planting

Personal Value

  • Valid
  • Integrity
  • Solid
  • Initiatif
  • Optimism

Corporate Value

  • Effective – Effecient
  • Consistence
  • Opportunity
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